
My Top 10 Favorite US States

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that my bio announces that I’ve been for 49 of the 50 US states. Because of that, two of the most common questions I get on basically every platform are “what state are you missing?” and “what are your favorite states?” Well, the one I’m missing is Alaska, and there’s a maybe chance that it might be in the plans for 2020 (but nothing’s official yet). The harder question to answer is which states are my favorite, and the reason for that is because the US is so diverse. Every state has something unique to offer, but there are 10 that stand out above the other 39 I’ve been to.

Here are my top 10 US states:

Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Joshua Tree National Park, CA

10: Minnesota

When I reached Minnesota on while I was traveling over the summer, it was one of the northernmost destinations I had on my list. I was heading to Voyageurs National Park, which was located right on the Canadian Border. When I was driving north, I remember feeling like I’d finally accomplished something. Minnesota was one of the prettiest states I’ve been to. The entire thing is lined with pine trees, and the highway to the national park was one of the most unique drives I’ve done. The trails in the national park often overlook lake Kabetogama, and provide views of Canada on the other side. The people in Minnesota were also super nice, and made it really easy to enjoy my time there.

Lake Kabetogama, Voyageurs National Park, MN

Lake Kabetogama, Voyageurs National Park, MN

9: Washington

This was a strange one to put on this list for me. While it’s incredibly similar to Oregon in terms of its landscape, it had a very different energy. Washington has a bit of a spooky vibe, and it turns out, it’s actually known for UFO and ghost sightings. The national parks here are absolutely gorgeous. Olympic is super unique, and is home to multiple different landscapes: from mountains, to lakes, to beaches, to rain forests. North Cascades is a unique free park interspersed with national forest land. Mount Rainier is home to glaciers, an impressive mountain, and tons of wildlife. Washington does have a ton to offer, but it’s a very different feeling than the other PNW state, which I’ll get to later on this list.

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park, Shore Section, WA

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park, Shore Section, WA

8: Maine

Maine is actually going to be the only eastern state on this list. That doesn’t mean I don’t like the east coast, it’s just that most of the east coast is known for their cities, and I’m a nature girl. I absolutely loved Maine though. As I drove into Maine, I saw my first “moose crossing” sign, and it was the first time I saw pine forests since leaving Colorado nearly two months prior, so it’s got a special place in my heart for that reason. Maine really is absolutely gorgeous. It’s a mixture of pine forests and ocean, and Acadia National Park is a gorgeous and unique small park. The people were nice, everywhere was beautiful, and it had some of the best early morning sunrises I’ve ever seen.

Acadia National Park, ME (and the Atlantic Ocean)

Acadia National Park, ME (and the Atlantic Ocean)

7: Utah

I absolutely loved Utah. It’s home to five incredible national parks, including Bryce, which holds the largest collection of hoodoos in the world. The entire state feels a bit like a national park though, and the highways bring you through green mountains, big cities, and rolling farmland. The entire state, from bottom to top is absolutely gorgeous, from the national parks in the southern half of the state to the mountains you can see from something as simple as a Starbucks in Logan.

The famous hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

The famous hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park, UT

6: Wyoming

I’ve written about Wyoming a few times now, and that just means it had to make it on this list. Wyoming is one of my favorite mountain states. Wyoming simply has some of the most unique landscapes in the country, from active volcanoes in Yellowstone, to long extinct ones at Devils Tower. This state is super diverse in its wilderness, morphing from the high mountains of the Tetons to the almost-desert of Fossil Butte in the southern part of the state. It’s also home to some of the most diverse wildlife in the country. Here, you can see bears (grizzly and black bears), moose, bison, eagles, elk, and even wolves. Needless to say, if you love nature, Wyoming is the place for you.

Bison hanging out in Yellowstone National Park, WY

Bison hanging out in Yellowstone National Park, WY

5: Arizona

Arizona was actually the place I chose for my first solo trip. I went to the Grand Canyon solo during my last spring break ever, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Arizona is a beautiful state, and one that truly feels unique from its neighboring California landscape. Between its red rocks and the fact that its home to one of the Earth’s natural wonders, Arizona is one of the most beautiful southwestern states. Here, you’ll find classic saguaro cactuses, unique rock formations, and plenty of tourists, which just goes to show you that this state is just incredible. It’s popular for a reason.

This view will make you cry, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ

This view will make you cry, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ

4: Hawaii

Hawaii is an old favorite of mine. I’ve been traveling to Hawaii since childhood, and its landscapes never fail to blow me away. I’ve been to three of the four main islands, and by far, Maui is my favorite. Here, I have memories of learning to surf, eating too much shave ice, and jumping off of black rock into the reef and crystal blue ocean below. Hawaii is simply one of the best vacation destinations in the country, and while Maui is my favorite, the other two islands I’ve been to, Kauai and Oahu have been beautiful as well.

Black Rock on Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii (photo ca. 2012)

Black Rock on Kaanapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii (photo ca. 2012)

3: Montana

Montana is home to my favorite place on Earth, Glacier National Park. Glacier is an absolutely gorgeous mountain park that’s home to some of the only glaciers in the continental US. Here, I hiked my favorite hike ever: Grinnell Glacier. Other than Glacier National Park, Montana is actually gorgeous. As you enter the state from Wyoming, you’ll be greeted by Big Sky Montana, an open, vast expanse of land with, well, some of the biggest sky you’ve ever seen. I also had the privilege of staying a night in Bozeman, a cute little outdoorsy town surrounded by national forest land. Montana is truly a nature-lover’s paradise, and is more than worth exploring.

Grinnell Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT

Grinnell Glacier, Glacier National Park, MT

2: Oregon

I’ve been to Oregon three times now, and I’m actually writing this from an Airbnb in Portland. Oregon is such a beautiful state full of my favorite forested landscape, without the weird Washington vibes. It’s home to Portland, a quirky little PNW city, the Oregon coast, the outdoorsy town of Bend, the climber’s paradise of Smith Rock State Park, and of course, the deepest lake in the country: Crater Lake. Crater Lake was absolutely stunning, but also one of the coldest places I’ve been, so make sure you have the right gear! Oregon simply seems like it’s full of endless adventures, and it’s a place that I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of visiting.

Multnomah Falls, Portland, OR

Multnomah Falls, Portland, OR

1: California

Okay, so I might be biased, but my home state is the best state in the country. It’s so huge, and spans the most diverse landscapes within one state. Here, you’ll find desert, mountains, forests (including the world’s tallest trees, the redwoods), cities, and of course, beaches. California is home to nine national parks, including a volcano, and the state includes one of the most beautiful scenic drives in the country: Highway 1 through Big Sur. California truly has a little something for everybody, no matter what you’re traveling for.

Glacier Point, Yosemite, CA

Glacier Point, Yosemite, CA

Coming up with this list was actually super hard. I love everywhere I’ve been for different reasons, even the places I say I hated. The thing is, traveling gives everyone a unique experience, and we have to appreciate it for that. Every destination is going to leave a different impression on every traveler, and the US is home to such uniqueness that everyone is bound to have their own unique experience.

To read more about the 48 contiguous states, make sure you check out my complete road trip route in my new ebook, dropping December 1, 2019 in the shop!

The Most Unexpected Bucket List Landscapes in the US

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Let’s just get one thing out on the table: the US is huge. Because of its size, this one country is home to tons of crazy landscapes, from the tundra of Alaska (which is still on my list) to the volcanoes of Hawaii. Really, the US is home to some incredible, insane, unexpected landscapes you can’t find anywhere else. These are worlds you might think you’d find way up in Canada’s Northern Territories, in the deserts of Africa, or even, maybe, an alien planet?

Here are the most unexpected destinations in the US, which you should probably add to that bucket list after you’re done reading this.

(Disclaimer: 100% of these spots are run by the National Park Service. There’s a reason these spots are protected land, so please, if you visit, make sure you keep them as pretty as when you arrived).

Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park, Montana

Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming

I know I’ve talked about it on the blog before, but it’s such a cool place, it can’t not make this list (don’t worry, it’s the only repeat destination on here). Devils Tower is truly one of a kind. It’s the only rock formation like this in the world and attracts huge numbers of rock climbers, hikers, and sightseers to its park every year. Devils Tower is a sacred place for Native Americans, and you might see prayer flags as you hike around the park, especially close to the tower. This is also a great place to see wildlife (especially prairie dogs), as this part of Wyoming is right where the pine forests of this mountain state and the grasslands of the neighboring Dakotas meet. And, if you want to visit Devils Tower and the Badlands in one go, they’re not too far from each other!

Read more about Devils Tower HERE!

Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming

Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Okay, I know Utah’s other National Parks are a bit more famous, but Bryce is absolutely mind-blowing. Bryce Canyon is known for its hoodoos—the strange rock formations that visitors describe as looking like either people or sandcastles (or both!). Advanced hikers have the chance to hike down into the hoodoos and experience them up close, but even if you don’t trust your hiking ability, there are plenty of fantastic views from the rim! This is one of the most unique desert landscapes out there, and is the largest collection of hoodoos in the world. They’re formed through a combination of plate tectonics, sediment deposition, and erosion, and their bright orange color lets them form a truly alien landscape.

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington

While there are a couple temperate rainforests in the United States, the Hoh Rainforest in Washington’s Olympic National Park is the only temperate rainforest you can actually drive your car into. Complete with a campground, tons of interesting wildlife, and scattered rainstorms, this is truly a landscape to escape to. It honestly feels like you’re in a different country (or maybe the world of Jurassic Park?), and the temperature ranges from hot and humid to freezing cold in the winter. Located in the Pacific Northwest, it’s clear that this is a place that stands out amongst the surrounding mountains, coastline, and big cities.

Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington

Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Washington

Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii

Haleakala National Park literally looks like Mars. This was actually the first National Park I ever visited, and needless to say, I was blown away. From the long winding drive up the dormant volcano to the vast, red landscapes that feel like they don’t belong on the lush, green island of Maui, Haleakala is a landscape you truly can’t find anywhere else in the US, and perhaps nowhere else in the world. Haleakala is known for its sunrises, and often, tourists will take a bike tour to ride down the mountain just as the sun comes up over the Hawaiian horizon.

Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii (photo “vintage” circa 2012)

Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii (photo “vintage” circa 2012)

Glacier National Park, Montana

 Glacier National Park is hands down, my favorite place I’ve ever visited. This alpine landscape definitely deserves to be on this list as one of the most unexpected places in the US, simply because it’s not a landscape that you’d generally find this far south. Although many of the Glaciers are now melted, there are still a few that stand which are accessible by hiking trails. I wouldn’t recommend hiking to the glacial views, though, unless you’re an advanced hiker, as the trails that allow you to see the most intact Glaciers are quite long. There are accessible views of Jackson Glacier, though, along the Going to the Sun Road. The Going to the Sun Road offers some of the most beautiful views in the country (although it is often closed November through May), and is only accessible to vehicles less than 21 feet long.

There are three sections of Glacier: East Glacier, which is at a higher elevation and offers great views of St. Mary Lake and some of the first views of these incredible mountains, West Glacier, which is tucked away in the woods and close to the adorable town of Whitefish, and Many Glacier, which is where much of the glacial access is hiding, including the famous Grinnell Glacier trail.

I could go on about Glacier forever, but for now, it should definitely be added to your summer bucket list. It does get crowded, so get there early for a campsite, and plan on taking the shuttle around the park if you can to reduce car traffic. Most importantly, though, in this remote National Park, make sure that you respect wildlife—it’s everywhere, it’s beautiful, but wildlife is wild, and should be enjoyed from a distance.

Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park, Montana

Honorable Mentions:

Badlands National Park, South Dakota

Congaree National Park, South Carolina

Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky

 The United States is home to an incredible array of unique landscapes. From the deserts and hoodoos of Bryce Canyon to the melting glaciers of Glacier National Park, the diversity of the country’s landscape is one that’s hard to challenge. These are five places that should absolutely be on your adventure list— they’re sure to give you the wow factor you’re looking for in a National Park, and will inspire adventures to last a lifetime.

No trip to a National Park is complete without the right gear. To shop my favorite outdoor gear at a great price, head over to Madera Outdoor, and use code “halleswanderingsoul” for 20% off!

Top 5 Beaches in the US

As someone from California, the beach has never been too far out of reach, even when I was going to school in the Inland Empire. When I was traveling the United States this past summer, I found myself bearing long stretches of time in between oceans, and I realized that there’s no way I could ever live landlocked. I never even particularly loved the beach as a kid. I actually hated the beach up until around high school when I started tolerating it for an ex boyfriend. It wasn’t until university that I truly found my love for the ocean through feeling a strange sense of duty to protect planet earth. Through sustainability, I finally found every California girl’s love for the sun, salt, and sand, and now that I’ve been to (almost) every corner of the county, I’ve come up with a list of my five favorite beaches I’ve ever visited. While there are plenty in between, and ones maybe even more worth visiting that I haven’t been to yet, these are five that should be on your to-visit list, no matter what corner of the country you’re from.

West Coast:

El Matador State Beach, CA

California’s not only home to me, but if anyone else was writing this article, it would probably top this list anyway. California’s known for its beaches, from Big Sur to Santa Monica. While I could’ve picked any of those, I felt like the one beach that had to rep the Golden State is El Matador. Now, it’s not your classic swim beach. There are no lifeguards (unless it’s a particularly stormy day), no volleyball nets, and oftentimes, there’s no sun either. But, it’s one of the most secluded beaches in the Los Angeles area. You have to park in a lot off of PCH ($6) and then hike down a small bluff to access the beach. Once you’re down there, you’ll be greeted by Northwest-esque rock formations, a small cove, and the occasional wedding photoshoot.

It is getting more popular by the minute, though, so consider yourself lucky that I shared it with you at all. As it gets to be more well known, it’s more important than ever to keep this place wild, packing out all garbage, using only the toilets located in the parking lot, and leaving pets at home.

El Matador State Beach, CA

El Matador State Beach, CA

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park, WA

With its rocky shore, grey waves, and foggy surrounding pine tree forest, there’s no doubt that Rialto Beach is incredibly different from any beach further south along the coast. Located just a few miles west of the 101, Rialto is one of the Northernmost beaches along the West Coast. With it’s fallen driftwood trees and choppy waves, this is one of the most unique landscapes you can find at a beach (at least that I’ve seen). Rialto offers everything between a few miles of walking along the shore to famous rock formations such as Split Rock and Hole in the Wall to extended wilderness coast backpacking trips, which you must register at the Mora Ranger Station to participate in. Rialto Beach is a beach of tide pools, starfish, sea anemones, pine trees, and surrounding Olympic mountains. Some people are lucky enough to see whales here, but I didn’t during my day I spent on the shore. It can get super cold, so bring a blanket and a jacket, and see where the shoreline takes you. You won’t be disappointed.

Although this beach is on National Park land, you don’t need to pay admission or parking to get in (yay!), just make sure you follow leave no trace principles, backpacking ordinances, and other regulations. Dogs are also allowed on Rialto Beach, which makes it an awesome destination for overlanders heading up the coast!

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park Shore Section, WA

Rialto Beach, Olympic National Park Shore Section, WA

East Coast:

Flagler Beach, FL

This was kind of an unexpected one. I came here by fate of a cousin of my mom’s setting me up with a free apartment here during my road trip around the country. I thought, “Why not? Free shower, WiFi, and bed? Plus it’s by the beach…” And that beach was amazing. It was almost completely secluded, really only a few locals, and some regular out of town visitors. Plus, it’s dog friendly, and is one of the only dog friendly beaches in the area. The water was super warm and the waves were perfect for a day-long swim in the middle of July. I also felt 100% okay with leaving my stuff on the sand to go in the ocean. As I was staying across the street, I’m not completely sure what the rules are about parking, but there appeared to be some street parking when there’s no construction happening (as there was when I was there).

Flagler Beach, FL

Flagler Beach, FL

Acadia National Park, ME

I’m not really sure if this counts as a beach itself, but it is home to many beautiful beaches, and places where the land meets the sea. Acadia National Park is actually on an island off the East Coast of Maine, and it’s one of the few places I’ve been where pine trees meets the ocean (Rialto being the only other one). The Park’s loop road offers access to many little beach points, Sand Beach being the most famous (so famous, in fact, that I couldn’t get a parking space both days I tried to go). There are also some beautiful empty areas, like the rock cliff pictured below (located just past the Gorham Mountain Trailhead parking), and Otter Point, located further up the road. Really, the whole park offers views of the ocean, even when you climb to higher elevation, and there’s a little something for everyone here, whether you’re a hiker or rock climber, or just want to relax by the waves.

As this is a National Park, please follow Leave No Trace principles. Dog are allowed in some areas of the park, but not others.

Acadia National Park, ME

Acadia National Park, ME


Kaanapali Beach, Maui, HI

I couldn’t write an article about beaches without mentioning the spot that got me in the ocean in the first place. Not only is Hawaii one of the surf capitals of the world, Maui itself is known for its clear water and amazing snorkeling. Kaanapali Beach is one of the more famous beaches out here, known for its famous cliff jumping at Black Rock—a giant cliff made of once-molten lava rock that overlooks the reef. While the cliff jumping is amazing (jumping about 30 feet into the ocean is no joke, though), the snorkeling can’t be beat. With its crystal blue waters and in-tact reef below, you can guarantee that you’ll see tons of fish here, and maybe even the occasional turtle. The beach itself is white sand beaches, behind the Kaanapali Hotel (there is a paid parking lot if you’re not a guest, however, its been so long, I can’t remember how much it costs). This is mostly a swim and family beach, but I don’t think anyone would have a problem if you brought your surfboard along (as long as you avoid the Black Rock area).

It’s important to note, though, that due to coral bleaching, this natural reef isn’t doing its best. Please use reef safe sunscreen if you plan on going in the ocean here, or at any Hawaiian beach.

I unfortunately am not sure if dogs are allowed on Kaanapali Beach, but I think it’s safe to assume that it might be better to leave Fido in the van or hotel room unless you confirm otherwise first.

Kaanapali Beach, Maui, HI, “vintage” circa 2012

Kaanapali Beach, Maui, HI, “vintage” circa 2012

While there are more than enough beautiful beaches around the country, if I had to choose five to visit again and again, this would be my list. From the beautiful Pacific Northwest to the crystal clear blue waters of Hawaii, there’s a beach for everyone hiding somewhere in this country, even the mountain lover or self-proclaimed beach-hater. And hey, if you’re out driving coast to coast, you might just discover another seaside hidden gem yourself.