solo female travel

Your Guide to Visiting National Parks Solo

National Parks are some of the country’s most accessible and abundant nature focused destinations, but for a lot of solo travelers, they’re often intimidating. National Parks seem to be full of unknowns, opportunities to get lost, and no cell service… oh my. But, for many, like myself, National Parks are places of refuge. Personally, National Parks are some of the easiest places to visit as a solo traveler, once you know how to do it.

So, who am I, and why should you listen to my advice about this? My name is Halle, and I’ve been to 51 National Parks, most of them solo, and some more than once. I’ve been solo traveling since March 2019 and traveling full time since June 2019. One of my friends on TikTok even refers to me as the National Park Queen (since I’ve been to so many), this is genuinely my area of expertise.

These are all my tips for navigating and visiting your first National Park… as a solo traveler.

New River Gorge National Park

Go to the Visitor Center

When I first arrive at any National Park, I always make sure to do two things that are going to help my trip tremendously: get a park map, and go to the visitor center to ask a seemingly ridiculous amount of questions.

At most big parks, you’ll be offered a park map when you go through the entrance station, but at smaller parks that may not have an entrance station, you’ll want to grab one of these at the visitor center as well.

Then, I ask all my questions. These include:

I’m only here for one (or two or three) day(s), what should I absolutely make sure I see and do?

How do I get there if I lose cell service?

Where can I walk my dog? (many National Parks do not allow pets on trails)

Where can I refill water?

Where can I camp? / Is the campground full yet?

These questions will help you get your bearings and might lead to other things you need to know as well. Rangers are experts on their park, so don’t be afraid to ask them anything so that you have all the resources you need to have a safe and fulfilling trip.

Indiana Dunes National Park

Know The Basics Ahead of Time

I always visit the National Park Service website before my trip even starts so I have some basic information prior to arriving. The things I’m looking for when I visit the website include the absolute basics and then any information that might affect my plans in the park. It’s important to know these things ahead of time so that you aren’t caught off guard without cell service.

Basic information I want to know is:

-Admission fees and tour fees

-Where my pet can go

-Visitor Center hours

-Expected weather while I’m there

When it comes to information that may affect my plans, I’m usually looking for closures and timed entry regulations. I want to know if there are any roads closed for construction or weather, if there are any trails closed for various reasons that I might have been trying to hike, if there are climbing restrictions, seasonal restrictions due to weather or animal protection, and if admission to the park requires timed entry (like Yosemite and Rocky Mountain). This is also a great time to check if the hike you want to do requires permits (here are my tips for the Angel’s Landing permit system in Zion!) and if there are any environmental concerns you should be aware of (like harmful algal blooms in Zion’s water, which could be toxic if you or your dog drinks from the river).

Kenai Fjords National Park

Take a Hike!

Hiking is one of the best ways to explore a park and it’s a sport you can definitely do solo! Ask a ranger what hikes would be best for your skill level and go explore. Be honest about your hiking experience though, and don’t be afraid to pick up a trail map or only do a shorter trail if you’re new to hiking alone.

New River Gorge National Park

Make Friends

I love meeting people in the places I visit. Making friends is easy when you stay in campgrounds, and oftentimes you’ll be able to connect with someone who might be down to go on an adventure with you. Making friends on your solo travels is part of what makes solo traveling so fun and memorable. So don’t be afraid to go say hi, as long as you feel safe doing so!

Badlands National Park

Stay in Touch with an Emergency Contact

When solo traveling, especially in a place that may not have cell service in it like many National Parks, it’s important to choose an emergency contact to stay in touch with, in case anything happens to you. I often recommend sharing your location with a friend or family member, but also letting them know your plans. Text someone the name of the trail you plan on hiking before you leave cell service, as well as when you expect to return to cell service. Leave them instructions on what they should do if they don’t hear from you in that window of time, so that if you get hurt, they can call for help.

I also do recommend getting certified in Wilderness First Aid if you have the means to. I personally am a Wilderness First Responder and this makes me feel a lot safer and more prepared for longer and more remote trips.

Wind Cave National Park

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

You’ll see it everywhere on my website: GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

Do something that scares you just a tiny bit. Whether that’s taking the cave tour, going and making friends, swimming in the alpine lake you hiked to, or simply taking the trip at all, get out of your comfort zone. It’s going to lead to some incredible memories.

Why Solo Travel is Essential to Any Healing Journey

When I first started traveling solo in the summer of 2019, I knew I was on the search for something. I didn’t quite know what I’d find, but I knew it wasn’t anything I currently had. What I was looking for, was me. I didn’t quite know it yet because I hadn’t done the digging or the shadow work to identify what was missing, but I knew I was on my way to whatever it was.

Solo travel quickly became an essential part of my own healing journey, and while I took a break from it to travel with someone I loved deeply, I’ve recently found myself at the precipice again: about to step out solo, on the search for something important, but this time, I know what it is.

Solo travel can be transformational. There truly is nothing like spending every waking hour of your days by yourself, outside of your comfort zone. It can bring you back to your very center, and leave you asking yourself, “Why did I do this in the first place?” But the thing is, no matter how hard solo travel is, it can also be incredibly eye opening. So, let’s dive into why solo travel is so essential to your healing journey, and how you can discover yourself on the road.


Solo Travel Forces You to Dig Deep

Let’s just jump right in. Solo travel is intensely transformational for so many reasons, but one of the deepest of all is how much you can learn about yourself in a short amount of time. Travel in any way is meant to put you out of your comfort zone, which leads to a lot of problem solving, whether it’s trying to translate a foreign language in an area with no cell service, or trying to spontaneously find a place to sleep at night. Being alone in the world only adds to this, which forces you to be with yourself during these tough situations. Any triggers that come up as you navigate these problems can highlight healing that you need to address either on your trip, or when you return home.

For example:

“Why does it make me so uncomfortable to stray from my planned itinerary?”

“Can I trust that everything will work out?”

“In what ways can I learn to go with the flow more?”

Solo travel is fantastic at putting you in a place where you can readily receive these questions, and then spend enough time with yourself to find the answer.


Solo Travel Allows for Reinvention

When I was a kid, I always wished that I could start over and completely “reinvent myself.” Really, what I wanted was to end up in a situation where no one knew the old me, which would mean that I could finally be my authentic self safely. Solo travel is the perfect opportunity for you to try on who you really are. So many people travel solo for the purpose of moving past some sort of trauma, be it a breakup, the passing of someone close to them, or a major life change. As you try to find your happiness again, use this as an opportunity to embody the person you truly are. After all, odds are, you’ll never see most of the people you meet while traveling again anyway.

Questions to ask:

“Who am I when I’m home alone? How can I be that person all the time?”

“What is something I’ve always wanted to try?”


Solo Travel Gets You Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ve mentioned this a few times already, but traveling solo is the ultimate way to get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone keeps you safe. I see it similarly, or attached to, the spiritual ego. It is designed to keep you out of “danger,” but it can also stifle your growth. Growth itself can be uncomfortable, and solo travel pushes you out of your comfort zone in such a way that it forces growth. Things will not always go as planned, and you can either stay in the mentality of controlling your environment (comfort zone), or embrace change, and learn to go with the flow in the most beautiful way.

Things to ponder:

“How can I react differently to this situation?”

“In what ways can I embrace the unknown today?”

Solo Travel Shows You Just How Powerful You Are

A lot of times, when people set out on their healing journey, it’s caused by a feeling of needing to overcome something. Traveling solo forces you to problem solve, it makes it so that you have to be there for yourself when things aren’t quite going your way, and because of that, along your journey, you’ll surely learn exactly how capable and powerful you are. There’s nothing like finishing a really hard hike alone, or figuring out a problem on the road by yourself, or finishing a 3 month road trip that you did solo (believe me, I’d know). Whether you’re accomplishing climbing a mountain, or convincing yourself to go try that new restaurant alone, there is an absolute sense of pride that comes with solo travel and exploration. And, if anything, it’s good to simply be proud of yourself for getting out there any trying, because that is powerful in and of itself.

Ask yourself:

“What did I accomplish that I’m proud of today?”

“How can I overcome this challenge on my own?”

“What would I require from another person if I wasn’t alone in this situation? How can I give that to myself instead?”

Solo travel can push us out of our comfort zones, teach us about our very souls, and show us how extremely powerful we are. It has been a crucial step in so many people’s healing journeys for a reason, so consider making it part of yours. Just be sure to be safe, use your intuition, and have fun. And, remember, it’s okay to ask for help if you need it.

I am going to be offering channeled guidance sessions and card readings on my new section of the site soon: Sunbird Soul, named after my 1985 VW Vanagon that I call Sunbird! If you’re looking for some guidance on your journey, consider signing up for my email list so you know when that goes live!

Looking for tips on how to stay safe traveling solo? Check out this safety post I wrote for all my solo travel tips!

Tips for Beginner Solo Travelers

With vanlife growing exponentially, there are countless amounts of people hitting the road for the first time. In my time scanning the internet, I’ve noticed a lot of these people are solo, and that a lot of these solo travelers are women. Traveling full or part time is becoming more popular, and with that, comes a beautiful new community of road dwellers. But what also comes with that, is learning to adapt to your new life on the road. You’ve created the life you’ve imagined, so how can you truly live it?

These are my best tips for new solo travelers hitting the road for the first time.

Badlands National Park, SD

Badlands National Park, SD

Wake Up For Sunrise…

…At least once a month. When I first hit the road solo back in the summer of 2019, I woke up for sunrise almost everyday. The above picture is one of my favorite sunrises from that 3 month trip, in Badlands National Park, SD. Now that I’ve been on the road full time for almost 2 years, sunrises are more rare, but they’re always magical. Choose one day a month to truly cease your day, and wake up for sunrise, so you can make the most of the daylight you have, especially in the winter. Plus, there’s a special magic in experiencing a sunrise that’s all yours.

Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park, WA

Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park, WA

Follow Your Gut…

… And never doubt yourself. When you travel solo, especially if you’re a woman, your intuition will become a superpower. So many women ask how I stayed safe on the road as a solo female traveler, but my truth is, I listened to my intuition. I left places that felt sketchy to me, I avoided people that gave me weird vibes, and it kept me safe the entire time. If you pull up to a campsite and feel weird about it, save yourself the trouble, listen to that gut feeling, and find somewhere safe to sleep.


Don’t Post Your Location…

…Until after you’ve already left. This is my NUMBER ONE safety tip for solo travelers, especially those who identify as women. No matter what your social media following is, do not post your location on social media (even in Facebook groups, and especially in Facebook groups that are CoEd), until after you’ve left that location. I’ve found that posting a general location is okay (EX: California, Big Bend National Park, The Mountains, The PNW), but don’t post specific locations until you’re far away (EX: Quartzsite AZ, Big Baldy Trailhead, Half Dome, Camp 4). That way people can’t find you, and you remain safe where you are.

Indiana Dunes National Park, IN

Indiana Dunes National Park, IN

Do Meet People and Make Friends…

…And maybe even caravan with a few of them. Even though you want to keep your location secret, some of my best friends are people I’ve met on the road while traveling solo. Just combine tips 2 and 3: use your gut, and keep your location a secret (as in, maybe don’t share your campsite until you’ve gotten to know your new friend a bit). You’ll eventually have a group of people you’ve met all over the world, and a ton of travel buddies who love the same life you do.

Solo travel can 100% change your life. Just make sure you’re being smart about it so that you can enjoy this life you’ve created in a safer way.

A Visitor's Guide to Mount Rainier National Park

Home to three National Parks, Washington State is a nature-lover’s dream destination. From the sprawling mountains of the North Cascades to the hidden rainforest of Olympic, there’s something for everyone in this Pacific Northwest state. But there’s one National Park that stands out as a crowd favorite when it comes to Washington, and that’s Mount Rainier.

Mount Rainier is the most glaciated mountain in the lower 48. This park stays cold well into the summer months, and attracts visitors of all ages to come and explore its forests, climb to its peak, and discover its secret lakes and waterfalls created by snowmelt. In the summer, you can spot beautiful wildflowers and incredible wildlife as you explore the park, and still experience the same snowy landscapes as winter visitors in some areas of the park.

We recently spent the holiday weekend in Mount Rainier and explored the best areas of the park. Here is my guide to help you plan your visit.

The view from an overlook accessible from a trail near the Sunrise Visitor Center.

The view from an overlook accessible from a trail near the Sunrise Visitor Center.

First things first…

Mount Rainier is located about 2 hours south of Seattle, WA, and is bordered by the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie and Gifford-Pinchot National Forests. These areas are home to animals such as black bears, marmots, elk, and deer, so be on the lookout for any creatures as you drive through the park!

The entry fee for Mount Rainier is $30 per vehicle or the America the Beautiful Pass. During COVID-19, Mount Rainier is doing fee collection.

Pets are allowed to join you during your visit, but they are limited to certain areas of the park, such as parking lots, campgrounds, and picnic areas. There is a dirt road in the Sunrise section of the park where you can walk your dog. Dogs are not permitted on park trails.

There are two campgrounds in the park, White River and Ohanapecosh, but there are also tons of boondocking and dispersed camping spots in the nearby forests.

Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park

Sections of the park

There are five main sections of the park: Ohanapecosh, Longmire, Paradise, Sunrise, and Carbon River. Each section has something unique to see and do.

In Ohanapecosh, experience old growth forests, deep canyons, and gorgeous views! We didn’t spend too much time in this section because the road was closed ten miles in due to winter damage.

The Longmire area leads into Paradise, which is the subalpine area in the southern end of the park. Longmire is where the park’s founders stayed during their time in the area, so this is an important area to stop and experience on your way up to the subalpine!

On the way from Longmire to Paradise there are plenty of amazing views to see!

On the way from Longmire to Paradise there are plenty of amazing views to see!

In Paradise, you’ll find yourself up next to the mountain. Here, you’ll be able to experience the subalpine in the southern side of the park, much of which stays snowy well into summer. Here, we were able to do the Nisqually Vista Trail, a small snow hike that leads to a glacial view of Nisqually Glacier.

The Carbon River section is located in the Northwest corner of the park, and is known for being the park’s temperate rainforest. This area is generally cool and rainy, and is a great place to experience some of the most unique Pacific Northwest landscapes.

Mount Rainier is perfect for solo travelers looking to get out of their comfort zones!

Mount Rainier is perfect for solo travelers looking to get out of their comfort zones!

Sunrise is our personal favorite section of the park. Here, you’ll reach elevations of 6,400 feet and might meet animals like black bears and marmots. Here, there are plenty of hiking trails that are accessible in early summer, despite the snow, just make sure that you know your hiking level! This is one of the best places to see Emmons Glacier.

Sunrise at Sunrise Point is an incredible experience

Sunrise at Sunrise Point is an incredible experience

Best underrated things to do

While Mount Rainier is known for hiking and mountaineering, there are plenty of really underrated things to experience! These are our favorite things we did during our time in the park.

Get up for sunrise… at Sunrise

Sunrise in the PNW is incredibly early, but you’ll never experience a sunrise like the ones from Sunrise Point in the park. Here, you’ll be above the clouds and get incredible and almost private views of Mount Rainier as soon as the sun comes up. In early July, we got up at 4:30 to drive from the park entrance to Sunrise Point for sunrise at 5am.

A secret no-name lake in Mount Rainier National Park with the famous mountain hiding behind some clouds

A secret no-name lake in Mount Rainier National Park with the famous mountain hiding behind some clouds

Search for hidden waterfalls and lakes

While it is still a hike, it’s not a long one to find the best secret lake and waterfall. The Glacier Basin Trail that starts in White River Campground is home to tons of small yet beautiful waterfalls, and if you’re brave enough, a secret glacial lake with no official name that might take a little bit of effort to find!

Drive up to Tipsoo Lake

This part of the park is free to visit and has an beautiful reflective lake perfect for catching views of Mount Rainier, experiencing some July snow, and having a picnic in the picnic area. The drive up here also has views that can’t be beat!

The view of Mount Rainier from Tipsoo Lake in July

The view of Mount Rainier from Tipsoo Lake in July

Mount Rainier is truly an incredible National Park to visit, and easily the best in the state of Washington. Home to one of the tallest mountains in the country, this is a site that can’t be missed during your time in the Pacific Northwest. From wildflower to wild animals, to awakening your own wild self, Mount Rainier is sure to give you experiences you won’t soon forget.

Top 10 Things to Do In Philadelphia

When it comes to cities I’ve visited in the US, Philadelphia stands out to me. While New York gets all the hype, and Los Angeles is a summer tourist destination not to be messed with, Philadelphia is easily one of my favorite big cities in the Lower 48.

I visited Philadelphia in the summer of 2018 with my mom and grandparents following a family reunion in Lancaster, PA. While I’m definitely more of a nature girl, I’m also all for saying yes to new experiences, and since Philly was a city I had never been to, I jumped at the chance to go.

Philadelphia truly is the City of Brotherly Love. My mom and I spent the majority of the trip wandering the city streets, and compared to most cities, we felt very safe as a couple of very small female travelers relying on Google Maps for directions. People were incredibly kind, and the tourist attractions didn’t feel super touristy to me. While there’s plenty to do in Philly, here are the things you absolutely can’t miss during your time there.

Itinerary info: This is based on a 5 day trip. All of these activities can easily be fit into a week or less, depending on your travel style.

Standing in front of a fountain at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Standing in front of a fountain at the Philadelphia Museum of Art


When I visit a big city, one of the main things I like to do to get acquainted with its culture is to visit its art museums. Philadelphia has so many museums, it would be impossible to visit them all in one trip, but these Philadelphia art museums truly stand out.

Philadelphia Museum of Art:

Even if you’re not a fan of art, this museum deserves a spot on your Philadelphia itinerary due to its pop culture significance. This is the spot you’ve been looking for if you’ve been trying to figure out where the Rocky Steps are! Outside this huge museum, you’ll find a statue of Rocky himself, and the steps he runs up in the movie, so don’t be afraid to reenact that famous scene (plenty of people will be doing it).

If you are into art, however, it’s definitely worth a trip inside the museum. This spot reminds me of a combination of the Louvre in Paris and the Getty Center in Los Angeles. This huge building is home to many different styles of art, and is so large, you can easily get lost in its hallways.

Admission to the Philadelphia Museum of Art is just $25 for adults and offers senior and student discounts.

The Barnes Foundation:

If you’re a fan of Impressionist or Post-Impressionist art, The Barnes Foundation is the art museum for you. This smaller Philadelphia museum is perfect for an after-lunch stroll through the halls, and includes multiple rooms full of unique art by your favorite artists (think Van Gogh). This beautiful museum also includes an on-site restaurant and gift shop, and was voted the #1 museum in Philadelphia.

Admission to the Barnes Foundation costs $25 for adults and offers senior and student discounts.

The Rodin Museum

This was one of the spots I was most excited to visit during my trip to Philly because it is one of the only museums in the world to house Rodin’s famous statue: The Thinker. Closest to many of the museums located in Europe, this sculpture museum is home to many of Rodin’s famous pieces, and is one of the only places in the world to see a collection this vast of his work.

Admission to the Rodin Museum is based on a Pay What You Wish principle, but it is suggested that adults pay $12 admission, with student and senior discounted suggested prices. There is also an option for a two-day ticket that gets you into multiple museums in the area.

Running up the Rocky Steps is a rite of passage in Philly!

Running up the Rocky Steps is a rite of passage in Philly!


If you’re visiting Philadelphia, it’s important that you visit at least one place of historical significance so that you can truly get the idea of this city’s foundations. While the city has plenty to see in terms of historical significance, the one spot you cannot miss during a trip to Philadelphia is actually run by the National Park Service, and is known as one of the smallest National Park Service Sites in the country.

The Liberty Bell at Independence National Historical Park

Seeing the Liberty Bell is easily one of the most iconic things to do in Philadelphia. Formerly the State House bell, the Liberty Bell is now located in Independence Hall. This bell has existed as a symbol of Philadelphia since 1751, and took on further historical significance as a symbol of liberty in the 1830’s. Here, you can learn about the city’s history with abolitionists, women’s suffrage, and civil rights, and read the words on the bell for yourself: “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants Thereof.”

Admission to Independence National Historical Park is free. This is one of the best things to do in Philadelphia for budget travelers.

You haven’t been to Philly if you don’t take your picture with the Liberty Bell

You haven’t been to Philly if you don’t take your picture with the Liberty Bell


While you might think that no US city could have the culture cities in other countries have, the truth is, each city has its very unique rhythm worth experiencing.


My mom and I did a lot of walking during our time in Philly. Truly, walking the streets just looking for interesting things to do is one of the best ways to dive right into a new city. We found unique parks this way, as well as bookshops, statues, and coffee shops.

The Love Statue:

One of the most iconic symbols of Philadelphia is the Love Statue. Known as the City of Brotherly Love, you can’t visit this iconic American city without a picture in front of this quirky statue, located in Love Park. This statue was created by Robert Indiana in 1976, and was briefly taken down in 1978 before popular demand brought it back. Now a symbol of the city, you can’t travel to Philly without seeing this symbol on t-shirts, postcards, and more.

Reading Terminal Market

Easily one of the most bustling places in Philadelphia, the Reading Terminal Market is an indoor street market full of restaurants, food vendors, and souvenir shops. Here, you’ll find merchants selling everything from full-on meals, fresh fruits and veggies, and kitchen essentials, and its fast-paced rhythm is sure to pull you in as you experience this little corner of Philadelphia for yourself.

The Love Statue truly is a symbol of Philadelphia

The Love Statue truly is a symbol of Philadelphia

Vegan Food:

I am vegan, so I will not promote any restaurants directly that support animal cruelty. The good news is, these spots are so tasty, anyone would love them (and you might not even be able to tell the difference!).

Hip City Veg

Hip City Veg is one of the best convenient vegan restaurants I’ve ever been to. Located only in Philadelphia and Washington DC, Hip City Veg was so good, we had to go back a second time, and I even ended up buying a souvenir t-shirt from them. This vegan spot is known for burgers, salads, and milkshakes, and my mom and I made a huge point to order different things every time so that we could try more of their amazing menu.

Tip: Make sure you get a milkshake, and ask if they can do half chocolate and half vanilla (they can, but it might not be on the menu!). Also their Kale Lemonade is to die for!

V Street:

If you’re looking for a nice sit-down restaurant to indulge in during your time in Philadelphia, this is the spot for you. V Street is a share-style restaurant where you order multiple small plates, which come out one at a time, and share them with your table. The service here was absolutely amazing, and we loved everything we ordered. They even brought us an extra dish when we said we were visiting from California!

Grindcore House:

A little off the beaten path, this was one spot we had to take a Lyft to because it was just a little too far from our hotel. Worth the extra miles, Grindcore House is a cute little hole-in-the-wall coffee house that specializes in vegan coffee and pastries. The staff was awesome about recommending the right milk for the drinks we ordered, and the punk atmosphere makes for one of the most unique Philly experiences we had while in the city.

Coffee and pastries at Grindcore House, Philadelphia, PA

Coffee and pastries at Grindcore House, Philadelphia, PA

Getting Around:

Philadelphia is a fairly walkable city. We walked nearly everywhere we went, as nothing was too far from our hotel, which was in the center of the city. The streets are a bit confusing at first, but you’ll quickly get the hang of it, and Google Maps is your friend!

Lyft and Uber are also available for any spots that are just a little too far to walk, and there is public transport as well, although we found we didn’t need it during our time there.

Another option, if you don’t want to walk, is to take a tour bus. Now, this is not my favorite way to see a city, but it’s great if you’re traveling with young kids or grandparents who might not be able to walk as far. All of the art museums are part of the hop on hop off bus route, and you’ll get a fairly comprehensive tour of the city when you take one of these buses as well.

Modern art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Modern art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

When planning a visit to Philadelphia, there are a few things you just can’t miss. From Independence National Historical Park to amazing food, and unique culture, the City of Brotherly Love has a little something for every type of traveler. But don’t hesitate to just let the sidewalks tell you where to go—letting your soul do the wandering is half the fun!

Why I Live in a Van

I’ve been living in the van full time for a month now, and the truth is, living in a van down by the river (or in the desert, or woods, or mountains, or city) is the best life ever. But I get it: you might not. And that’s okay, but really, full time travel is something that a lot of people are pursuing these days. I live in a 1997 Dodge Ram 3500 conversion van. It has a full sized bed, refrigerator, running water, solar power electricity, and an emergency toilet, and it’s everything I need to be happy. It’s not all fun and games, but it gives our lives variety. It allows me to have the freedom my soul wants while still being a Responsible Adult. And it’s allowed me to find myself, at least a little bit. So this is my why. Why travel. Why an alternative lifestyle. Why vanlife.

Camping on Joshua Tree South BLM

Camping on Joshua Tree South BLM

What is an alternative lifestyle?

We’ve all heard of the 9-5. We’ve all heard of the college, get married, buy a house, have kids, work for 30 years, retire loop that people tend to get stuck in. An alternative lifestyle is the rejection of that. It’s the idea that we are in charge of our own lives, not society. You can really do whatever you want. The thing is, whatever your excuse is, spin it around. If you think, “yeah but… I have to work.” Why can’t you do that from the road? Why can’t you start your own business? “Yeah but… I’m supposed to be buying a house.” Why is that? Who is saying that a house is your next step? There are no written rules for life, so it’s important to understand that we can take charge of our own paths, and do the thing that makes our souls feel full.

Of course, if a 9-5 feels right to you, then amazing! Do that! But for many of the people in my community, there’s boredom in a 9-5, there’s creative blocks, there’s a feeling of being trapped. So listen to that feeling and know that there’s another life out there.

Camping at Anza Borrego Desert State Park

Camping at Anza Borrego Desert State Park

But you can’t just be on vacation all the time…

Whoa whoa whoa… I have to stop you there. This is not a vacation. First I want to talk about something that my guide, Mike, brought up on the first day of my GIVE trip: what is the difference between a vacation and an adventure?

To me, a vacation is an escape from something, usually from a job or school. A vacation has the purpose of being a relaxing break before you return to real life.

An adventure is what this life feels like to me, but it’s more than that: this is my real life. Travel is my lifestyle. I still deal with real life, sometimes more than I would if I was living in an apartment, because in a moving house, things tend to break. I have to fill up my water tanks and dump the grey water when it’s full. I go grocery shopping and cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner every night. And more importantly, I work. I spend about 50% of my time in a place working so that I can afford to be where I am. This is simply life to me—it’s just that my backyard changes.

Loving life in Joshua Tree National Park. Photo by my friend Jared @jaredinthevan.

Loving life in Joshua Tree National Park. Photo by my friend Jared @jaredinthevan.

Why a van?

Now a lot of people romanticize backpacking, which is also long term travel, but yet don’t understand vanlife. Why is that? Honestly, there is a stigma, but when I have friends living in Mercedes Sprinters, it’s hard to understand why that stigma still stands. Honestly, I chose a van because I wanted to travel, but didn’t want rent to pay on top of my plane tickets. I wanted to be going full time, and having a van allows you to have everything you could possibly need with you all the time, no matter where you are.

I chose a van because when I sleep next to a national park I wake up to the sunrise peeking through my windows. I chose a van because ending my day surrounded by somewhere new but under a sky full of the same stars feels more stable and right to me than going home to the same place every night. I chose a van because it could park anywhere. I chose a van because the road feels like home to me, and even more so when I carry my home with me like a snail does. I chose a van because structure doesn’t pair well with me. And that’s okay. There’s a life for everyone where they’re happy.

Me and the van at the RTR 2020. Photo by my friends @lindseyanddannyvanlife

Me and the van at the RTR 2020. Photo by my friends @lindseyanddannyvanlife

What about friends and relationships?

This is a tricky one. When we’re constantly moving, we don’t find ourselves surrounded by the same people all the time, but at the same time, the people we need to be around will find us when we need them the most. I have an amazing van fam who I caravanned with for about a month, and the thing is, people come and go, and moments do too—it’s just a matter of listening to where your soul wants to be and who it wants to be with.

Me and Emma in Sedona. Emma is one of the van fam and you can find her @emma.goes. Photo by our friend Brien @theotherground.

Me and Emma in Sedona. Emma is one of the van fam and you can find her @emma.goes. Photo by our friend Brien @theotherground.

So… in conclusion…

Basically, vanlife for me is finding my freedom. I felt very stifled in school, and like I never really had the opportunity to make friends who truly understood how I felt about certain things, and through full time travel, through the road, I’ve been able to find both of those things. While people are fleeting, I’ve found my community, and while all roads do come to an end, I’ve found my freedom through the movement. I’ve figured myself out, and what I need, and I think that was something that needed to happen for me to progress as a person. Vanlife isn’t just about the van, it’s about the life and what you choose to do with it.


My Must-Visit Spots in San Diego, CA

It’s no secret, if you’ve been following me a while, that cities aren’t really my thing. But when I was on my way back to my home base from my 3 weeks in Arizona, I really wanted to see where else I could fit into my route before taking a break from vanlife for a bit to get my WFA certification. A lot of my van fam had headed out to San Diego after Arizona, and it’s kinda the place to go for people in vans in the colder months because we, like birds, go south for the winter.

Now, it’s not that cities don’t have a ton to offer. There’s culture, food, and plenty to do. But there tends to be a bit more chaos in cities than I like. It’s a bit harder to park the van, and there are more rules about where you can sleep at night. I also tend to feel a little disconnected when I spent too much time in a city (truly, the forest is where I belong). But I went to San Diego anyway. So, for anyone in a van (or not!) who’s planning a trip to San Diego, these are my favorite places I went while I was there.

La Jolla Cove

La Jolla Cove

Sunset Cliffs and Ocean Beach

The beach towns tended to have a little more space for big ol’ Sequoia, so the first place I went was Ocean Beach. Sunset Cliffs is a natural park known for towering cliffs over the ocean. Lots of people come here to see the views, surf the waves, or watch the sunset because, well, it’s called Sunset Cliffs for a reason.

Ocean Beach is also home to a very cool nighttime farmer’s market on Wednesdays (starting at 4pm), where they have music, vendors, and tons of vegan food available.

Sunset Cliffs, Ocean Beach

Sunset Cliffs, Ocean Beach

La Jolla

La Jolla is one of the most crowded and complicated areas to visit if you have a van. Parking here is an absolute nightmare, and my one tip is to try to park as far from the actual coves as you can walk. I ended up finding parking over by the La Jolla Underwater Park (I believe), and walked the beautiful cliffside trail to the coves (which was only about a half mile and incredibly gorgeous).

La Jolla is one of the nicest areas I visited in San Diego. It’s full of touristy shops, expensive restaurants, and sea lions. Yes, sea lions. These gorgeous animals are what La Jolla is known for, so make sure you go to the coves and say hi (just don’t get too close! Remember to Leave No Trace!).

The sea lions of La Jolla

The sea lions of La Jolla

Mission Bay Park

This was a great little spot to go and relax, make lunch, and get some work done. It’s definitely not a place to plan on spending your entire day unless you have a kayak or paddleboard, but it did give me some beautiful views while I did some writing. A lot of people come here to walk or ride their bikes along the shore, get a work out in, or let their kids run off some steam. There’s also tons of parking during the day so if you’re looking for a place to just relax, hop on your hotspot, or take a walk, this spot should be on your list.

If you’re interested in pursuing the full time travel life and want to know the best way to make money online, check out Wired Creatives HERE!

Mission Bay Park

Mission Bay Park

Where I ate

I usually don’t talk about veganism on the blog, but honestly, a huge portion of what I do in cities is food related. Cities make it really easy to spend all your money on food. Luckily, because I have a kitchen, I did cook most of my food, and I had plenty of snacks with me, but there were a few points where I did buy food out. A favorite in Ocean Beach is Plant Power Fast Food. I used to work at one of their other locations, and it made for a super convenient place to grab a bite on the days when I was in OB. They also have WiFi, so it was a bit of a win-win.

I did also get an awesome meal at the OB farmer’s market on the Wednesday that I was there. They had tons of vegan spots at the event, but I found a vegan Chinese food place with no line that gave me an incredible amount of food for $12.

I also headed out to the University Heights area near SDSU where I went with a friend for dinner. We met at Plumeria Vegetarian Restaurant, a sit-down vegetarian Thai food place that was almost as good as the real deal.

The last place I ate out at was Loving Hut in Scripp’s Ranch. I wasn’t planning on heading out this way again, and then I found out that my childhood best friend was also in town, so I went out to where she grew up (and where I had visited with her mom a few days before), and she took me here. This place has amazing food and enormous portions. Would definitely recommend!

La Jolla Underwater Park, view from a coastal trail I parked near

La Jolla Underwater Park, view from a coastal trail I parked near

San Diego was an interesting first real city experience in the van. I did really enjoy my time there, despite the absolute chaos cities tend to bring. So, if you’re planning your own trip to Southern California anytime soon, make sure these spots are on your list—they’ll be sure to give you a pretty complete San Diego experience.

10 Tips for Making it Through Long-Haul Road Trips

In my world, I do a lot of driving. In the past year, I’ve put about 20,000 miles under my wheels (in two separate vehicles of course), and while I like to keep my drives short (3-4 hours if possible), there are some days when you just can’t avoid that 6-12 hour long-haul. Doing drives like this to get to a destination can be grueling, especially if you’re solo, so whether you’re a full time vanlifer like myself, or a casual traveler looking to get that road trip fix in this spring, here are my best tips for surviving a day on the road.

Disclaimer: this post may contain affiliate links

My first tiny home, in Badlands National Park, SD

My first tiny home, in Badlands National Park, SD

1: Be prepared for time zone shifts

If you’re traveling coast to coast (or in any vaguely horizontal direction, really, if you’re not just road tripping in the states), it’s super important to be prepared to shift in your time zone. This can affect your arrival time greatly, and will affect you more if you’re moving West to East, rather than East to West, since you’ll be arriving an hour later than planned. Keep this in mind when doing any type of long haul drive, so that you can plan accordingly for any way that this might throw off your plans.

Sedona, AZ (photographer: Brien @theotherground)

Sedona, AZ (photographer: Brien @theotherground)

2: Snacks

Obviously, you can’t have a proper road trip without snacks. But, they’re even more important when you’re putting major miles behind you, especially if you’re driving solo. Calories keep you awake, and sometimes, you won’t want to stop for lunch, especially if you’re trying to make it to a destination by a certain time. I always keep a few snacks with me in the front of the van so that I don’t have to pull over to find something to eat every time I start getting tired.

A favorite healthy snack of mine lately is Bobo’s Oat Bars. They’re vegan, oat based, and super yummy! Pick yourself up a box HERE!

Bobo’s Oat Bars make fantastic road trip snacks

Bobo’s Oat Bars make fantastic road trip snacks

3: Water

As essential as snacks, water is something we often forget about while driving, especially if you’re driving solo. The thing is, being in the car all day singing along to the radio is incredibly dehydrating, and you’ll only get tired faster if your body needs something you aren’t giving it.

If there’s nowhere to fill up my reusable bottle, you’ll nearly always see me sipping on a Surfwater—bottled water packaged in the world’s most recyclable material: aluminum!

Surfwater aka the best water at El Matador Beach in Malibu (photographer: Alex

Surfwater aka the best water at El Matador Beach in Malibu (photographer: Alex

4: An amazing playlist

Nearly as essential as food and water, having great, inspiring music to listen to is a must. I have about 10 very similar but very different road trip playlists that I recycle depending on my landscape, but my favorite artists to listen to on the road are: Lord Huron, The National Parks, Frenship, and Mogli. Oh, and the soundtrack from David Attenborough’s Our Planet. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it!

Here are some links to my current favorite Spotify playlists:


The Ultimate Roadtrip Soundtrack

Pacific Coast Highway

Our Planet

The van on Joshua Tree BLM land

The van on Joshua Tree BLM land

5: Take Breaks

I cannot stress this one enough! If you’re traveling solo, please take breaks. This is what rest areas are for, and if there are none, gas stations and truck stops are amazing too. I recommend taking a break every 1-2 hours so that you can breathe, use the bathroom, change your music, make a sandwich, anything! Just take your eyes off the road and your hands off the wheel for 10 minutes. It’ll wake you up and make for a safer and less frustrating drive.

Bison on the road in Yellowstone National Park

Bison on the road in Yellowstone National Park

6: Be aware of agricultural checkpoints

This might only be a thing in the United States—I’m not sure of agricultural laws in other countries—but if you are driving over state lines in the US, be aware of agricultural checkpoints. This is similar to how you have to declare certain items when you fly into a new country or back into the US. They will ask whether you have any fruits, veggies, plants, etc… in the vehicle, as exposing the local agriculture to those plants could affect the environment. As far as I remember, the only agricultural checkpoints in the continental US are at California entry points.

Hoyt Arboretum, OR. When you drive from Oregon to California, you will be asked if you’re carrying any produce.

Hoyt Arboretum, OR. When you drive from Oregon to California, you will be asked if you’re carrying any produce.

7: Comfy clothes

This might go without saying, but driving in comfortable clothes will make all the difference. It’s also important to wear clothes for the weather later in the day. The other day, I drove 6 and a half hours from Tucson to San Diego and while it was freezing in the morning, as soon as I hit the Southern Californian desert near the Mexico border, it was hot and sunny! Considering the fact that my van has no AC, it was important that I drove in clothes made for warm weather so that I wouldn’t need to keep stopping to put on or take off a jacket.

One of my favorite brands of ethical and comfortable clothes is Wholesome Culture. They use organic cotton, water based ink, and donate money to animal sanctuaries for every purchase made. Check them out HERE!

Sporting my favorite Wholesome Culture T-shirt on a hike through Mammoth Cave National Park, KY. It says “There is no Planet B.”

Sporting my favorite Wholesome Culture T-shirt on a hike through Mammoth Cave National Park, KY. It says “There is no Planet B.”

8: Keep an eye on your cell service!

So often during long-hauls we drive into areas with no cell service without realizing it. Especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area, it’s crucial to either download your maps before, carry a paper map (for really remote areas like Montana, Canada, Alaska, and even parts of Utah/Nevada), or make sure that you do not exit your already functioning navigation. As long as you start your navigation in either Google Maps or Apple Maps, it will keep you on track even when you do lose service, but as soon as you exit, you won’t be able to just pull it right back up if you’ve got no bars. When I was driving from Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada to Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, there was no service for the first hour of my drive, and being my second day on the road, this was incredibly stressful. Make sure you know the general direction that you’re going, and if you can find a Pilot or Flying J truck stop (in the states), go in and ask if they have WiFi so you can download a map—they usually do!

Glacier National Park, MT: one of the most remote places you can drive to. Definitely download your maps before leaving West Glacier!

Glacier National Park, MT: one of the most remote places you can drive to. Definitely download your maps before leaving West Glacier!

9: Get off the highway and explore

If you’re not in any rush, why make it a long-haul drive in the first place? Drive in your direction until you find something interesting and then make a little detour. You never know what you might find, and there’s always the chance of an unexpected adventure. Long-haul drives are grueling and unless you have a time limit, unnecessary. Let yourself explore more instead.

One of the best detours I’ve ever made! The Salton Sea, CA. Learn more about this place HERE!

One of the best detours I’ve ever made! The Salton Sea, CA. Learn more about this place HERE!

10: Take it all in…

It’s so easy when you’re road tripping to make it about the destination. But the truth is, the journey is often the most fun and beautiful part. Some of my favorite experiences on the road, and my most important revelations have come from the actual driving, not the arriving at my destination. It’s so important to take time to realize the landscapes you’re driving through, the lives of the people in the towns you’re passing by, and really, how small the world is when you really think about it.

Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, WA

Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park, WA

The world is far more connected than we like to think. Nothing is as far away as our maps suggest—really, it’s just one 12 hour drive. Take the time to appreciate the distance, it will make all the difference when it comes to surviving that long drive (oh, and of course, all the other stuff too).

Exploring Tucson's Nature

Saguaro National Park and Mount Lemmon

Generally, I’m the type of traveler who travels for the natural landscapes. I go from National Park to National Forest to State Park and try to avoid cities, but there are a few cities that are so surrounded by nature that exploring their parks has become the main attraction. I didn’t quite realize how engrained in Tucson’s culture Saguaro National Park and Mount Lemmon were until a fellow vanner told me, “There isn’t much to do in Tucson except to visit the national park and drive Mount Lemmon.”

After four nights of weather so cold I had to break out the 0 degree sleeping bag, I finally made it back to the southern part of the state. I had already been planning on visiting the park, but as usual, I didn’t have too much of a plan for my day. I ended up fitting both destinations into my one full day I had in Tucson. Here’s everything you need to know.

**Usually I’d stay a bit longer in a place, but cities are expensive and I have to sleep in parking lots, which can be noisy, so I decided I’d want to stay only for a little bit before heading back to the coast.**

Saguaro National Park: how many different types of cactus do you see here?

Saguaro National Park: how many different types of cactus do you see here?

Saguaro National Park

There are two sides to Saguaro National Park: the West and the East. Since the East was closer to where I was staying in Tucson and was much closer to Mount Lemmon, I decided that that would be the side I visited during my time there. The West side is a bit out of the way, yet boasts bigger and older saguaro cacti.

East Saguaro has a small park or monument feel (basically, it’s not Yosemite, it feels more like Craters of the Moon). There isn’t too much to do but what there is to see is gorgeous. Since I only had half the day in the park before driving Mount Lemmon, I was recommended to do the Loop Road and walk the Desert Ecology Trail. Between this and getting out of the van to take a few pictures and video with and of the cacti, I felt like I saw the basics of what the park was about.

It’s also worth stopping in that Javelina Picnic Area for lunch, as all the tables are surrounded by desert plants, and it allows you to get up close and personal with the cacti.

Saguaro is a place of desert diversity, and is home to far more types of cactus than just the Saguaro. This National Park is home to 24 different types of cactus, and they’re all incredibly unique.

East Saguaro National Park

East Saguaro National Park

Mount Lemmon

If you like saguaros, you’re in luck: the bottom of Mount Lemmon is covered in them—even more than are in the East side of the National Park! Mount Lemmon is known for being a place where you’ll experience all of the different biospheres that you would if you were to drive from Mexico to Canada.

There are five biosphere’s total in this unique National Forest (Coronado National Forest) ranging from Sonoran Desert, to Ponderosa Pines, to Mixed Conifers at the summit. I was so happy to see pine trees again without it being absolutely freezing, so if you’re a mountain person stuck in the desert, this is definitely the drive for you.

Mount Lemmon is also ideal for road cyclists, but be warned: it’s a 27 mile journey to the top!

One of the lower biomes of Mount Lemmon

One of the lower biomes of Mount Lemmon

The entire drive from the bottom to the top of Mount Lemmon takes about an hour and ends at a ski resort. I was unable to go the last two miles to the top because the road had been closed due to snow. Throughout the drive, you’ll pass plenty of roadside pullouts, picnic areas, campgrounds (if you’re into that—I don’t believe any of them are free), and one visitor center that has a museum about the area inside. If you go in the winter, try to go on a warmer day, or a little later in the winter, as there was still tons of snow on the sides of the road.

As close the the summit as they would let me drive, Mount Lemmon, AZ

As close the the summit as they would let me drive, Mount Lemmon, AZ

Tucson was completely full of surprises for me. I of course expected to like the National Park, but I didn’t expect it to be so easily accessible from the city. Mount Lemmon, however, was a total surprise for me—I knew it would be beautiful, but no one expects pine trees in southern Arizona. Basically, don’t take anything at face value—every destination has a hidden gem waiting just around the corner, or maybe, at the top of a summit.

A Vanlife Guide to Sedona, AZ

If you’re a person who lives on wheels, or even just a person who hates winter, it’s no secret that Arizona is the place to be in January. Nearly every person living that vanlife on the west coast (and some from the east!) comes to Arizona at the end of January every year. After the annual gatherings in Quartzite, me and my new Van Fam (follow them at emma.goes and theotherground) headed out to Sedona, a place I’d been dreaming of visiting for about two years now.

Sedona is one of the most powerful spiritual centers in the country, and is home to tons of red rocks and beautiful hikes. Prior to coming out here, I had no idea how easy it would be to be an overlander in Sedona, but the truth is, Sedona is one of the most vanlife friendly cities I’ve ever visited.

Me and Emma at Cathedral Rock. Photographer: Brien @theotherground

Me and Emma at Cathedral Rock. Photographer: Brien @theotherground

Where is Sedona?

Sedona is located in north-eastern Arizona, making it one of the colder areas of Arizona. It is about 7 hours from the California coast, 5 hours from Joshua Tree, and 3.5 hours from Quartzite, AZ.

Where should I park?

As I said, Sedona is incredibly van friendly, but that means it’s incredibly camp friendly too. This isn’t the type of city where vanlifers are lining the streets, it’s a city surrounded by National Forest land. The best spots to park are along Forest Road 525. You’ll be sure to meet plenty of other van dwellers, and if you drive far enough, you’ll reach the Palatki Native American Ruins. You obviously can’t park at the ruins, but there are spots nearby where you’ll have vast views of the red rocks.

At camp, somewhere on FR525. Photographer: Emma @emma.goes

At camp, somewhere on FR525. Photographer: Emma @emma.goes

What are the best restaurants?

We frequented two amazing vegan/vegetarian restaurants while we were in Sedona: ChocolaTree and Local Juicery. A few of our friends actually work at Local Juicery, so definitely go say hi and support your fellow vanlifers (plus, their avocado toast is the best I’ve ever had). ChocolaTree is more of a spiritually minded spot. It has more of a sit-down restaurant feeling to it, so it’s worth going if you’re craving a hot dinner.

Where can I get water?

Living off the gird means certain things aren’t as easy as they could be in a house. One of those things is water. Luckily, ChocolaTree has a spigot with fresh spring water outside their restaurant that they allowed us to fill our 6 gallon tanks with.

Me at Devils Bridge—the most famous hike in Sedona! Photographer: Emma @emma.goes

Me at Devils Bridge—the most famous hike in Sedona! Photographer: Emma @emma.goes

Where can I go to get in a work day?

There’s always Starbucks, but if you’re looking to get in a work day and catch some views, head to Creekside Coffee. Here, you’ll have views of Snoopy Rock, and can snag some WiFi, even outside.

If you’re interested in learning more about making money on the road, check out Wired Creatives HERE!

Cathedral Rock from below

Cathedral Rock from below

What are the best hikes to do?

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that hiking is a huge reason I go to certain places. Sedona is a huge hiking hub, so we made it a point to hit a few of the Coconino National Forest trails while we were out there.

Devils Bridge: Devils Bridge is easily the most popular hike to do in Sedona. It features a vast, natural bridge photo op and the entire hike is about 4 miles long. Expect crowded parking, but if you have 4WD, you can make it to the real trailhead and skip walking along the dirt road. If there’s no parking, no worries, you can park on the main road too, but it’ll add about a half mile of walking. Prepare for crowds at the top too. We got lucky with a gloomy day, and only had to wait behind about 6 people each, but normally, it’s a crowd of about 150 people at the top.

Boynton Canyon Vortex: This was one of the most powerful vortexes I experienced in Sedona. It’s not a long hike, but it features red rocks and two spires that are said to represent the divine masculine and divine feminine. If you’re a spiritually minded person, you’ll love this spot, and if you get there early enough in the day, you might just catch the flute player who goes up there daily to hand out heart shaped rocks to people.

Cathedral Rock: This was my absolute favorite spot we went during our time in Sedona. It’s a hike basically made of rock scrambles, which made is extremely fun, and had some amazing photo opportunities at the top. Keep an eye out for the vortex trees—trees that appear to have been swirled (this phenomenon happens due to the high amounts of spiritual energy in the area).

Me and Emma at Cathedral Rock. Photographer: Brien @theotherground

Me and Emma at Cathedral Rock. Photographer: Brien @theotherground

Sedona is an absolutely magical spot. Whether you’re a spiritual person or not, Sedona will change the way you see the desert. The hikes here are breathtaking, the camping is quiet and peaceful, and it’s a great place to feel like you have a sense of community on the road.