
What It's Like to Spend Thanksgiving in an Airbnb

An Anecdote From A Full Time Solo Traveler

It’s that time of year again, and holidays for so many people, mean traveling to familiar places to visit family. This year, my immediate family and I decided to do something a little different. We drove 1,000 miles from Los Angeles, CA to Portland, OR to spend Thanksgiving, just the four of us. We did this for a few reasons, one of which being that my parents wanted to do something special for their 29th wedding anniversary, since it always overlaps with the holiday. We wanted to explore somewhere new, since my family had never been to Oregon, and Southern California also doesn’t get a real autumn, so we made it our goal to get a little taste of the cold weather this year before I head off to South East Asia for the rest of the winter.

Dundee, OR (wine country)

Dundee, OR (wine country)

We opted to stay in a cute little Airbnb on the SE side of Portland, which was exactly 20 minutes from everything. We were able to experience all of the important sites and visit family in the area no problem. But we planned on doing an all vegan Thanksgiving in our Airbnb, which lead to some interesting adventures in cooking.

We chose this type of accommodation because it would allow us to have a kitchen and the privacy of not having people walking by our rooms all night (I’m clearly not a fan of hotels). The thing is, our kitchen was missing so many tools, from a pasta strainer to serving utensils (try making a huge family dinner without a big spoon, I dare you). This made for some interesting and creative improvisations. Think, spatulas to serve stuffing, rice, and green bean casserole, and a bread knife to cut Tofurkey. Because the truth about travel is that it can be uncomfortable. Not everything is going to be perfect, and that’s kind of the point of an adventure. You figure out how to make it work as you go along, and you have fun doing it because of the place you’re in, or the people you’re with, or both.

Portland International Rose Test Garden in Fall. Clearly, the roses were hibernating already.

Portland International Rose Test Garden in Fall. Clearly, the roses were hibernating already.

But this article isn’t about food, it’s about feeling at home when you’re so far away from it. While Airbnb’s message is about helping you feel at home when you’re away, there’s always a bit of displacement that happens when you’re staying in a new space. I’m pretty used to this, but I’m also used to traveling in a constant vehicle that feels like home (and will be hitting the road in my actual tiny home come January). But because this was such a different type of travel to me, it did take some adjusting. I got to unpack into a real closet! I had a full bathroom, and constant access to a shower! And I still got to experience a new place (weird, I guess this is how most people do the travel thing). More important than amenities though, I had constant access to the most important people in my life, and as a solo traveler, this is a rare luxury.

This was an interesting trip. I’d never spent a holiday other than the Fourth of July away from Southern California, and while I’d spent plenty of Decembers in my college town away from my family, this trip felt different, because this time I was away with my family. That made it so that this crazy cooking adventure felt a little like home, even though we were in such an unfamiliar place. The important thing about the holidays is that you’re with the people you love, regardless of where you are in the world.

Mt. Tabor Park in the early morning

Mt. Tabor Park in the early morning

Being away from home made every moment exciting. There was no waiting around for dinner to be done, the way Thanksgiving usually goes, so we didn’t find ourselves snacking all day and filling up before the main course. Instead, on Thanksgiving, we went out to Washington Park and Pittock Mansion to look at some of the best views of Portland, and got home in the afternoon to start cooking. Instead of my brother spending his week doing homework, he was eager to get out and practice his photography in the woods. My dad and I spent time hiking in a local park instead of our usual hills, and my mom and I got excited about trying new vegan restaurants instead of our go-to’s. It made everything an adventure.

My brother and I at Wakheena Falls, Columbia River Gorge area

My brother and I at Wakheena Falls, Columbia River Gorge area

And that’s the strange thing about full time travel. You get to a point where it’s just life to constantly be moving and seeing new things every day (which I love, despite the complete lack of stability), but it’s a completely different experience when you’re with people who don’t live that nomadic life. Suddenly everything is seen as new again.

Happy Holidays, everybody. Back to our regularly scheduled programming on Sunday with one more little guide to the PDX area.


If you’re curious about my life as a solo female full time traveler, and want to know how I managed to explore all 48 connecting states in 3 months, check out my new ebook, Around the States in 90 Days, in the shop.

Top 5 Most Instagramable Natural Spots in Oregon

Oregon is hands down one of my favorite places in the US. It’s almost as diverse as California, yet rivals it when it comes to changing seasons. I just had the opportunity to spend my Thanksgiving week properly visiting Portland. And while Portland is a cool little city, I kept finding myself drawn to Oregon’s nature. The Pacific North West is one of the best places in the country for mountains, pine trees, and even beaches, and I’ve compiled a list of my favorite natural places in Oregon to photograph (or, those that I’ve been to so far).

To follow me on Instagram for more pictures like these, and plenty of travel inspiration, click HERE or visit the CONTACT page.

Geotag Disclaimer: if you choose to use geotags on your Instagram feed, please be responsible, and keep local secrets you find that aren’t on this list, well, secret. Geotags have the tendency to draw crowds and ruin natural spaces, so in line with Leave No Trace, let’s leave no map too.

So, grab your camera or phone, don’t forget a good snack, and hop in the car. This ride’s about to get insanely pretty.

Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park

Haystack Rock

While this one might be a bit obvious to those of you engrossed in the crazy world of Instagram, it’s a spot that tops many Oregon travelers’ bucket lists by a long shot. Located on Cannon Beach, Haystack Rock is a huge rock formation known for its famous reflection in the sand. This is easily one of the most popular spots in Oregon, and for good reason. The Oregon coast is a famous stretch of coastline, and this is easily the most famous beach on the drive.

Cannon Beach is a dog friendly beach, and has free parking only a couple blocks away. It’s only about an hour from Portland, and is super easy to find.

A tip for my vanlifers: It’s a bit (and by a bit, I actually mean a lot) hard to find affordable camping, let alone safe boondocking spots, so if you’re living that vanlife, you might want to dive up over the state line and stay at the rest stop that’s 40 minutes away.

Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach, Oregon Coast

Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach, Oregon Coast

Hoyt Arboretum

If you’re staying in Portland, this is an awesome place to go to lose yourself amongst the PNW’s famous pine trees and redwoods. The Hoyt Arboretum is located within Washington Park, and is basically a living museum. You can grab a map at the visitor center, or just wander the marked trails. Each area of the park features a different type of tree, from redwoods to maple. This was actually the first time my family was able to snag a glimpse of our West Coast redwoods.

The Hoyt Arboretum is completely dog friendly, and free to enter, but you do have to pay for parking. You can hike about a mile (one way) to Pittock Mansion from the visitor center if you want a view of the city too!

Redwood Deck in the Hoyt Arboretum, Portland

Redwood Deck in the Hoyt Arboretum, Portland

Smith Rock State Park

Located about 30 minutes outside of Bend, Smith Rock State Park is known by rock climbers across the country. I am not a rock climber, and I came here with a friend from the road when we both happened to be in Bend. There are quite a few hiking trails here for all hiking abilities, if you’re not into climbing, and there are spectacular views all around. This is the best place for you to head if you’re in Oregon and craving some desert-esque landscapes. It reminded me of this park in Los Angeles that I used to visit with my parents called Vasquez Rocks (which I largely credit my love of the outdoors to).

Smith Rock does allow dogs and has paid camping available.

Smith Rock State Park

Smith Rock State Park

Crater Lake

I’ve talked about Crater Lake a couple times on here, but it’s the deepest lake in the country, so how could it not make it onto this list? With its deep, blue water and towering pine trees, Crater Lake is far more than just a lake. This National Park includes a beautiful scenic drive, volcanic-formed pinnacles, and a little island dubbed Wizard Island. Even if you’re not a big hiker, you’ll be able to grab some of the best and bluest shots to fill that ‘gram with at Crater Lake.

A tip for my vanlifers: Lost Creek Campground is a bit out of the way, but only costs $5 a night! It gets super cold, even in the summer, so make sure you have the right gear!

Crater Lake National Park, aka one of the coldest days I’ve spent on the road so far

Crater Lake National Park, aka one of the coldest days I’ve spent on the road so far

Multnomah Falls:

On the same level of Insta-popularity as Haystack Rock, you’ve likely seen a picture or two of Multnomah Falls come across your feed. This was a bucket list item of mine for a long time. Multnomah Falls is part of the Columbia River Gorge area, on National Forest Land, and is a 620 foot tall two-tiered waterfall that features a bridge. You can hike to the top, or you can get that perfect shot from the bottom (it was raining, so my family chose the latter).

There is free parking just across the street, and the falls is a dog friendly area. Just a few minutes down the road, you’ll find Wahkeena Falls as well, another large waterfall in the area with a hiking trail.

Multnomah Falls in late November

Multnomah Falls in late November

There are plenty of super beautiful spots throughout Oregon, but these are easily my favorites I’ve been to so far. Oregon in itself is incredibly pretty, so make sure you get off that beaten path a little bit too.

To learn more about my favorite places in the country, make sure you check out my full 3 month, 48 state road trip itinerary, available now in the shop!