Why Great Sand Dunes is the West’s Most Underrated Park

As we travel through Colorado, I’m slowly falling in love with a state that, last year, I thought was only meh. Having only really explored the northern part of the state last year, I hadn’t really experienced everything this unique place has to offer. Colorado is the last stop in the Western States before you reach the flat Midwest, but that means it has more to offer than most other states. Colorado is part mountains, part plains, and part southwest all rolled into one. Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting Great Sand Dunes National Park. You don’t hear a lot about this park. It isn’t in any way on the same level as, say, Yellowstone or Yosemite in most people’s eyes, but as soon as we arrived, it quickly made it onto my top ten list of National Parks I’ve visited so far.

Great Sand Dunes was my 36th National Park, and it’s easily one of the most unique. This is why Great Sand Dunes is the most underrated National Park of the West, and why it should top your bucket list.


The Tallest Sand Dunes in North America

Great Sand Dunes is home to the tallest sand dunes in North America, reaching over 700 feet above sea level. These dunes stretch far into the distance and are the main attraction in the park. People bring sleds, sand boards, and even skis to experience these unique slopes. While we didn’t have any of these, we still had the time of our lives hiking up the dunes barefoot, and then running down in this low impact environment (perfect for me, who is healing a knee injury). The views at sunrise and sunset are incredible, and the sand is cool as long as you don’t visit in the middle of the day.


A Unique Ecosystem

Great Sand Dunes is more than just sand. In the distance, as you climb the dunes, you’ll see a clear view of stunning mountains, which adds a whole other level to this park. Some of the park is actually alpine zone, which is home to animals like bears and mountain lions. This section of the park is accessible by foot only, which makes it one of the most remote places you can visit within Great Sand Dunes. If you visit in the late spring and early summer, you’ll get to experience the creek that runs through the dunes, creating a unique beach far away from the ocean. The thing to remember is, no National Park is only known for its main attraction, so it’s important to give the rest of the park a chance too!


It’s Dog Friendly

Many National Parks have heavy restrictions when it comes to bringing your dog along for the adventure, but Great Sand Dunes is one of the most dog friendly parks in the country. While they don’t have a Bark Ranger Program, Lassen, our border collie, was able to do everything we wanted to do while in the park. There are a couple trails he could go on, and he was allowed up with us through the first high ridge of dunes. This meant we didn’t have to leave him behind for our sunset or sunrise hikes. Not to mention, he loved it! Running on the sand with us was some of the best fun I’ve seen him have in a long time.


It Isn’t a Popular Park

Both times we entered the park, we got parking right away. This isn’t a super popular park which makes it perfect for those wanting to get away from the crowds and be in nature. Great Sand Dunes is an extremely underrated place in the Western states. So, tell me, is it on your bucket list yet?

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